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A poem currently

For who shall know but he who sail’d the impassable seas;
High he was wont to be for he must be of higher mind
For who shall know but he who chooses the unsailable seas…

To sail into forbidden seas, to sail beyond the ends of oceans
Beyond the end of the world: when what was untold
Stood who upon an Angel’s arc that barely breaks a ripply prose 
Distances unknown yet so far remained within the metric of instrument
A compass rounded, an astrolabe rose: to the Horizon!

Above tumbling clouds foretold a purple storm; below shifted
Tumultuous planes, betraying the depths in thickness and stew, fresh was that
There on the past shores they looked upon the future, where she was 
Not inclined to have bespoken what untold truth of the Heart

The obsidian sea glistened, the unusual night the ark took departure
Towards the dawn who laid behind the curtain that staged, or
Is staging for who did awaken by the toll of the bell: midnight
For ‘fore the settling of a mist departed did we Who gazed
Onwards! No more anticipation but by soft rippling prose rose

The sail: for Dawn! He cried, out from his breast heated endurance
When no sooner did echo two crows upon a pass over-sight, the night owl
Cooed in farewell as the white trail behind and Forward led
A captain, half lit and half in shadow upon the bridge; But 
What shall appear, beyond dawn and day, beneath the horizon,
Under the sea, above the stars, what laid beyond the very edge

Of Existence: but a glimpse of Great Life that rose above
The apparent Make that whispered upon the surfs - Wreck, 
No, never: no tumultuous climate shall turn the Ocean whole, 
In the instantaneous expert hands shall recuperate the hold of the Bow
For Will swiftly rode on high the mountainous waves that rowed
The rhythm of the core Vibrating Trembling would screen, and 

Even then shall each heart beat with the Captain’s own; then
Shall the ratio of all the hands’ Minds unite, and inward bound for Home
For the zenith high above that stood for eons upon the edge of Sea
Forever withholding that Dream of ascension towards the High
Yet all the children cried, me, me, And you, you, And us, us; And
Still they stood upon the elevating lift and flew to where the Ark did gaze

Then by new did convert as Muse to symphony and dress of sailers
With log and line, compass, board, book and hour glass: to set sail
Only to speak of that other Ark that never sailed, no story
Complete by the hour glass’ measure: Commence, yet again
Begin each task each hand by the sea bird’s path
That twist like ribbon from a dancer’s extended arm, 

Out extended like the bow into the wind and open sea, that opens 
With the fierceness of a thousand tigers’ eyes that thunder
Silently; for now delicately the sun’s light touches the ripply surface
For ponderance of tea and saucer for dawn in house yesteryear
The promise of the sail is smooth upon the grey and silvery white
Carrying on towards the continuum that smooths out onwards
Unbroken and ever upon continuum revealing what issue by the day
Which whence and whither trickles each drop with the wind

Wayward were the sailors’ soul that drifts between the vector
Of the ship that rocking and rocking breaks a rhythm
Of the sea: cool was the breeze on the deck where
The shorebirds intend to wait to land between the lines of winds

To advance wayward were the spirits on the deck, and below
And advance as the sole thought in form of concentrate
Reminiscence of times where originate the craft of the ship
In yards that spoke of only grandeur of afar; Fare
Well!  They all exclaimed and by their exclamation send us
Off to sail through pass and seas to oceans so far
Away from where she stands and where who stayed
By miles and miles advance shall sail into sights beyond

All measures of sound land; for too our hearts have reached
A forever beat that will intertwine with the rhythm of the
Sea; under sun and stars the traversal will stretch, then that 
Over immense seas and infinite skies towards the unknown will
Be known by moments so short theirs dews shall accrue
To drops of time accumulation in temporality make
For all lays bare as Self and World within the pool of time
The way has tracked not through mud and gore but each day’s

Sweat.  Deserts of dunes and hills may extend expanse
And borrow from heart and body beat and blood
For sweeps and sways by wind and quake should crease
That beach barren and bold in yellow and gold
But stays no longer through night and day could seem
And is this rolling immensity where the sea beast lays
And makes his home not in secret but in raging fear
For fear his home should be conquered by birds aflight

That notices not all but most under sea and sky, yet
That monster’s narcissism could bleed the ocean red
And stain the sweet smell of the first origin to
Bird snail and men Would yield a catastrophe by apostrophe
Harms even the slender mermaid or siren that calls by
Night The weaker minds frightful of that old creature
And alarms Prometheus who then shall rise, raising
Waves of such proportion as to swallow all lands whole

Disturbs their subtle soul.  Like her, who uttered at noon 
Yesterday: “to the Sea!” with a smile and coy eyes
She sends us off so gently so worried so subtly
And the crews and hands shall remember forever
Over the voyage that the Sea is tame and fierce like
The notes of her firmness and tone of her flirting
Shall hold all safe against mermaid and siren
And the Undisturbed sea monster simmering below:

Distaste at once coursed a moment through their veins
But Together! All had thought all at once, and
Boarded with no thought of bag, luggage, chest, and 
Plank, carried at once with few more thoughts
When racing inch each baggage and then some
carrying what but all that shall sustain through
Race and storm, even cannon and balls were brought
If some scenario should unfold over the forbidden

Seas And now then here sail forth, a smooth sail
Racing forward in a stream draws up fresh froth
Onto each the ship's sides separating the surface into two
The sail raised the movement forward sings in the
Heart of each man a glorious song for the future
Is at hand where harmony in rhythms and breaks
Shall take on yet beheld yet known adventures
So tied each man to each to Tomorrow Come.

A hint of a storm ahead grazes one of the man's mind
Instead of brushing the wisp away he dwelled on it for awhile
And the men next to him glanced barely but dimly
At him a moment for fair weather they all wish for
The psyche of the boat wavered slightly, like a joke
It passed like the breeze So dreaming forward
The venture holds promises even as eagle and gull
Roll overhead for so close to shore they still are;

But the sail was high and the weather fair so
Straight as an arrow the ship sailed ahead so
Smoothly the motion forth well balanced the both
The sides Like perpetual flight of the Golden Eagle
Above soar. No wisp nor 'squito should break our stride
Breasts forward and heads high song filling hearts
But silent and swift the spirit lies within the depths
As the depths deepen beneath the blue and golden sky.

Reflected onto the surface rippling aside beside the Ark
Heads held high the men behold the voyage
Long and fruitful it shall be Full of adventure
then later stories shall be told in each seaside town
They uncover with whiskey and scotch the tales shall
Fly as they fly now upon the breath of the sea
Awaiting seahawks with no monster in sight
They behold the horizon as they shoot out into the 

Ocean vast and endless and forever free, their
Motion unrestrained for they are a happy lot
The future seems boundless as the shore recedes
Knowing too this lot over the Ark shall disappear
Below the horizon: their venture has begun, what
Tears the women on the shore had shed has resided
In their heart - the loss reeding now being replaced
By boundless energy of the sun and sea;

A hint of suspicion or tear lingering holds the question
What of the unexpected and torrentuous that may
grab hold tomorrow in an instant to surprise
And awe those of us still of timidity and of youth?
What small ripples shall run thru our crew
That brings that little mistress of doubt to steal
From the wealth of stillness and surety of which
We reinforce our hearts? For all must wait 

Before the immense soul of the Ocean that tips
Our boat this way and that, in that tomorrow
Where our surety of crew and Ark shall be
Tried. The old hands lingered sweetly on this
Thought a moment, as the smiles casted down
From the eternal sun seem to flicker just
So briefly. Their doubt subsided, the Ark
To and fro upon the certain vector of the Sail,