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whether in a silver print shone through its hues of purple lavender, pink and gold, where the greenaries still shone reminded me of an instant photograph from the dark rooms of eras for industries and hints of fuels and wheels that spin cotton. by a barnyard few bundles of drying hay sit, temporarily residing upon quotients of vastness where coins turn in mid air. above beams and ties above a pigeon rose to a breeze. if the moon should arise early promise. forged of placid icy yarns and wools, and steel or pinnings uncoiling and reached; were clouds a hideouts for birds of renditions or feathers -

some languid sky intimated spectral for a clear atmosphere tonight.

TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2010

overhead cloud

birds were overhead; no, not like birds as in the hitchcock movie, quite a different kind. Hundreds were overhead, black birds they were, and then scatteredly abound about the trees' branches, bare and tinged with powdered light snow. The birds were like songs and each small song rests here and there in this number and that number of uncounted spots about the court whose majesty for the moment has been muted, its silence lightened and shadowed at once by the flight and choreographed dancing that spread' and settled, scattered and conformed. They swirl, these thousands of birds, about the majestic court, following the whims and dreams of travelers who have taken lodging, some minutes away, some thousands of miles gone. The court is quiet and peaceful by the lightening showers of snowflakes the night and the day on, where the temperature contemplates for itself the diverse light by the sun's paths, yet the hour remains unknown under the colorless diffusion of atmosphere. The birds are now in chorus, silently they flap their wings by their own meaning creates and decides their flight along and about, soon to the hanging trees and willows leaning out from the walls of shales, sedimentary forms, the trickling water and ice below.

TUESDAY, MAY 11, 2010


a drift from not so far away or behind me, a nearby memory? a note, or a scent, the letter was sent of tracks at first, fleeting; the rumble and rumbling... rumors of a memory container hidden in and amongst by the lights that blink and dilate. the senses note the drifts of hinting an unknown fuel in the air, the almost empty boxcar and the byways whizzing by outside.

MONDAY, MARCH 15, 2010


how come not the image fru the prism or convex len reveal my true image i see upon my phenomenal mind clearly? i was dreaming and was i awake. another thinker thought the refracting had difracted as tho what's one is multiple, now, many diferances. this i did not have occur me, myself, yet another picture briefly thought i realize then i was still on the subterra train, in a lure of rhythms with the traks that rumbling i recall another's memory as fo my own.

FRIDAY, JUNE 09, 2006

The returning tides reaches out again with the energy of a millenial turn. Is this a sunrise, does not the sun rise every morning… perhaps we are the ones to turn towards the sun, orbiting her in steadfast devotion, our gaze upon the nuturing god, as he in silver light circles about our own globe.


dream towards

Opening my eyes I saw lit neon, trailing, flashing, blinking in and out of existence, perfect renderings of lit trajectories. I heard the whispers of the metro, the declarations of engines and aluminum machines, the primal rhythms of footsteps and jumbled noise, the procession of perpetual fluoresence.

Sliding into the wires I slipped out to the empty darkness of space. Motioning along at the speed of light, I was still and never moving. The cluster of million points of light accelerated towards me, and slowing, transformed into transecting lines of alphanumericals. I have arrived at the city of incessant exchange. The entity of digital atoms has come to me.

Through the white blur of neon data I catch a glimpse, a series of transparent body forms, now here, now gone. I hear voice, one there, one there, one here, one here. Soft, precise, doppling sounds and images fade in and out, of people, persons, the fellows of my own. 


eyes open and saw fluid neonlights motioning : light currents waves of many flows of color lights : transparent grounding planes extend forever : superimpositions of networks the motions of light : rhythms of many layers sounds : the metropolis circuits velocitating beyond c : dimension of information : situating : positioning : launching into the sea of electric circuitry : the electric ocean : moving from one embryonic matrix into another : the projection is born ;

eyes open and saw black void space : delicate lines glow morphing into being : nodes white light : white lines : in vast silence input a code of signals : through vast void transmit signals in photon waves : a little sound musicboxing a little tune : send out : receive : symphony rises on synthetic logos : lines trajectories straight white lines and infinite geometry : beyond white the light shines out of gossammer lines : pulsating quanta dance flow on virtual waves ;


the field of blocks assembling, in crescendo motion, waves : the field recedes and advances : the field of material blocks transforms in perspectival dynamics and become a matrix of oscillating lights : the intertwining possibility lines throwing tangents that bounce and shift, designating dynamic landscapes towards pulsation :


here goes the doubling the coupling and the multiploying differentiating : the image to mind mentally extending : an image of the mind imagining the soul to couple with thoughts already launched : out to connect nodal and modal quantum : 


the fair luminance of the node glows in the void : the space lit by the white logic connections are ciphered only by dim surfaces : it is a code decipherable only with the lightest touch.

something conceives and brightens into light : into presence comes a new instance of being : a new node posits into stellar suspension onto its trajectory in the substance of the medium.

pulsing with transmissions that stream in and out of the hub : the transmissions transect to the speed of light : with the perpetuality of logic activity they centralize at the hub : at the rhythms of the transmissions’ motions, the hub emits resounding seismic motion outwards.

the interconnections locate to point in the incessant making of new linkages : they concentrate and locate to a town’s address at its university : the transmissions propel the node to traverse from one dimension into another : the geotown and the datanub integrate into the information dimension.

an atomic unit in a new vast uncharted dimension : the town virtualizes with the university : each becomes vitalized in the mergence : the university takes form in the urban fabric saturated with social events and geo-conditions : the town informs to virtual space lighting nodes and connections :

a virgin design engenders from the node, outwards : white forms intermix and reveal the white linear traces of trajectories.


when we floated into this body, this mind, when our souls have landed into this life… we came knowing of the destinies to unfold. in that dream of birth, we let go of the knowledge into the folds of memory and we dream afresh with our baby fresh eyes. what reason we have found before we do not know. perhaps we have come here to meet another soul in the body, perhaps we come carrying a message… perhaps we have floated here to find each other, to be here for each other, to be together in the renewing world. to communicate, to play together, to live and to love. we each offer our sights and memories in earnest song…the message we carry flittingly flows in that dream of song, its tones rising and falling in always harmonic tones…


the dreams of yesteryears interweaving with the memories from tomorrow: the word through whimpering wind submerges and sinks… right to lighted nexus through the forgotten pathways, too dark the abouts to see the content of surrounding sinews.

waves of dreams towards tomorrow push: each instant so prime for the container to hold; moment by moment becomes the moment’s own, lateral rising the random quantum cools.

dramatic motion drawn from a rigorous call, for movement, for fulfillment, for possibilities each datum installs.. jagged moments whimsically displaced; incorporating with continumm the instance returns.. on this scattered display rationed superimpositions fall: fresh syntax wipes presuppositions, caching old semantics into possibility phase. the layers and phases sit for the possibility’s path: an actualizing awaits_



pink and orange at ecstatic odyssey where nights bounce by on fluid substances and hugs and kisses and cartoon sounds. the weaving of bodies through passages and open geometrical poses. 

SEPTEMBER 12, 2004

light gossamer chains melting back return to formless white light. towards another direction casts another line. dreams about lighting paths materializing whole new ground for the new city. “but what about this,” she had cried, “and what about me?” as soon as spoken and made past, into the light her body rises, her desperation changing tones becoming a sweet melodious song.


Truth, the word, is one which can no longer be uttered without tongue in cheek. Dream, simulacrum, and the latest, matrix, are candidates eager to fill the vacant office. Word God is on the same metro out of power, drifting away from center of consensual hallucination to dark and blurry fringes of battered brains. Old institutions determining and preaching old narratives which had sole claim to everything are falling over themselves, drowned in new dynamics, no longer commanding unquestioning attention. In the crossfire phenomenon of information dynamicals, events and images indiscrimantly blurps to life. The protocols for proliferation thrives, spawning ever more bastard narratives, crystallizing ever more reference quanta. In colorless incestuous ecstacy, images mutate and multiply, breeding new strains in meaningless mirage across the blood-red realm of the baud and the bit. Virtuality in introspection discerns the illusion of linearity to be a delusion of subjectivity. Teleological narratives are no more than mortal projections, made real through cartography of trajectories by lonely wanderers whooshing back and forth on the axis of magnification. There is little evident more than interminable fractals, variations on the absent one-over-F fundamental form. Patterns within patterns, the different within the same, over and over. The image in alphanumericals, the image in color, the image in line and the image in any numberless muted dimension – through yellowed paper, through hygenic digitality, each finds its own exhibitionist medium. Silence of pompous amnesia overtakes cacophony of humbled signifiers, claims rights of relations to the in-grown propogating immortal annals of depiction. In the hodgepodge of sweaty images, between decaying manuscripts and silicone archives, adrogynous snapshots masturbate in ecstatic dissemination, out on a viral conquest of the vision field. Denied the bliss of admitting things de facto, the eye searches for meaning. In exasperated desperation, it finds little stability for concentration.

But in a moment of light the night flashes before the eye and truth settles sumptious into the depths of contented bliss. Snowy white fairy tales spun in the wool of white belief flickers and sparks and bursts to light. Dream drifts to life and life fades to night. Life center relocates and movement takes flight in the mist of rain admist darts between ecstacy and freight. All takes its place in the perfumed glow of soft orange street lights. The night softens the music begins. A note here now a beat there now there is no moment besides the moment of now. The past falls into place and onto the road ahead the sights. Word finds its meaning the birds are singing the ears aringing. Smoke into light disappears the sight of the blight. Pathos in its place oscillating pallisading in the dance of the night. Fear meets its master and joy its mistress the two asailing in the course of the fleight. Care cease to meaning dare dares its fooling in the spectacle that’s flashing the rhythm of the night. In evil the goods are singing the fair kingdom’s feigning the juxtaposition flinging the pop song tonight. Rhythm in its deigning the random is painting the picture the picture tonight.

Sight fools in its absolute honesty and falsity. Between the jumble of images and the jagged edge of words the mind thimbles and jimbles between fields of logic and waves of laughter. Careless, blind, to its body it flitters and flutters at that current’s whim. The wizard’s wisdom and the magician’s tricks cascading along are waiting and hoping for their moment of ascension. Autobiographical fool, the scientist scoffs, and the artist smokes another handrolled cigarette. The time of the unknown beholds us, the prophet shrieks, and the hungry street kid smirks on the next street. The day’s drama and yesterday’s news roll in tomorrow’s news reel. The reporter’s stone-faced and the producer’s blank greed sets another kid up in school. His dad’s life story and his mother’s sorrow kicks off another season of bliss. The gardener’s drunk of birds’ flight the professor shoots off another metro of shit. The highway’s cross-eyed and the hoodlum winks at another jackass. God holds the ace but lets three children mess up the shit. Kinko’s kinky for another night’s blinky synchronizing another line of light. Caffeine tosses off another slinky and amnesia’s aflight.


  In an instant of artificial ecstacy made possible by the ground of the technological, the mind accelerates in blind white light. A virtual moment impending the extinguishing of visceral body and meaningless world, nihilist objects recede in decrescendo, fading into the far distance of a timeless past. The bodiless mind accelerates in bodiless abandon, careless of any meaning that might have tied it down. Relations thin and stretch, intersecting, collapsing, dispersing – a confusion of associations, an orgy of mental forms. The mind continues its strife away and senses the approaching attainment of escape velocity. The achievement will be had, it thinks wildly, more focused than ever before. The aim, its goal, is in sight; its movement, taken precise direction and interminable determination. In another moment, it will find itself free. In another moment, it will become unclaimed, unborn. It will become unbounded to any previous engagement and will become limited only to itself, alone, in silence.


Amist the theatricality in performance over the digital dimension, the lights and movements in action on the digital stage, the individual searches for her body. In the process of exploring and interacting with this foreign matrix, in discovering and experimenting with its fluid instability and the impossibility of locating an unwavering constant identity, she seeks now not only to locate herself in the digital virutality, but also to locate a conceptual solution that satisfies her experiential life. This includes her experiences with the intangible virtuality and also the physical realm in which she has previously experienced herself. The resolution sought asks her to see beyond her seemingly stable physical body and investigate the minute and ever changing dynamics undergoing in every moment of time. Through scrutinization, she may discover also that variations occur not only across the vector of time, but across any imaginable vectors. 

SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 2003
The things eyes see are nothing more than images, she cries. The things mouth utters are no more than words.


A dream of light… the exhilaration of cyberspace…

In that single temporal moment of his young temporal life, he saw his life as it was. One moment isolated itself from all the rest; one moment crystallized and distinguished from the dull continuum of delirium. The Idea rose to his sharp attention, in sterile clarity of pure consciousness.
It began with forgetting.

Was it a decision that had come from himself?

As it began, he immediately forgot his present. The physical surrounding retracted from his attention. Signals in sensory channels equilibriumed to an unbroken stream of white noise. The body itself retracted. Lines of light crossed his vision, at first impulsively, almost psychotic; then, an order emerged. It became a logical proliferation of a virtual lattice, fractalesque, unfolding in meaningful rhythms.
Who was he?

A slight idea suspends itself at the edge, a whisper of a shadow. It was some obscure algorithm processing on spare power, observing the simplifying mindscape. Was it himself? A caricature drawn in simplest logic, perhaps… like a finite matrix of infinite internal relations. It was not himself; it was an instantaneous abstract being oscillating in an uncertain space. What is it? He tried to remember. In unexpected and most undesirable response, memory crashed back, severing the fluid dream. That slight idea of himself yelled loudly and ballooned explosively, expanding in all colors and shapes, murderous in desire and greed. Horror. He saw himself. What is he but a beast? Sex, death, blood, gore… Images and odors, childhood nightmares and repressed traumas, they soaked through every pore of the subtle dream.