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On the Frontier We Shall Know

INTRODUCTION										                                        |

On my national agenda, it was listed to generate a tomorrow for America: “TO INNOVATE LONG FUTURES SUSTAINABLE SPACE PROGRAM.”  

The future is not yet written at any moment in time for any moment in history; yet, despite the improbabilities for certain many types of ventures in the centuries past, there have been those with the pure will of scholarly or research advancement, of craftmanship, of political maneuvers, of actualizing the realities of many kinds simultaneously, to advance the frontier belonging rightfully to exploration.  The concept of colonization was never a simple minded notion of aggression over other lands, but rather, drawn from an idealistic romance for new adventures upon new verges and edges of the known sphere in which so many did dwell.  Returning to the purity of frontier exploration after all the lands had been explored, this here to that so called “final” frontier, yet completely unbounded unlike the terrains of earth, can discover no true edge except for that one of the determinable and determined of the known sphere.


When imagination stretches beyond the confines of what is known, the act being undertaken is to “think outside the box.”  For many, the earth’s confines by gravity, delimited largely to its surface, is a box so enormous that one could not become situated beyond its grasp.  The civilizations’ make too is of such variety and extents that worlds upon worlds had been created in the millenia in which human beings have found themselves dwelling on this pale blue dot.  The advancement of knowledge is one undertaken not by all, historically, but by some, of these are a few who desire most of all to venture all about in a comprehensive manner, but also to the limits of the circumference which appears, elusively, to bind us all.  That desire, to be cultivated and groomed and forged, into the moment of pure intentionality, so sharp and acute and inexplicably refined that the action is emitted to exit these bounds of the earth’s surface, that is the team of the alpha explorers who managed much for what appears to those others so little, a journey extending above and beyond all that is known.

What is knowable cannot be known ahead of time, neither preformulated, prescribed, dictated, nor pondered.  Instead, it is found in the projector, that to be known by strict and rigorous measure and then determination: something could be known, over there, in this way, postulates the thinker who did not already known yet intuited that the origin of the truth about a particular something or somewhere, or perhaps in a long long future, some one, could reach our mediation through instruments, through knowledge comprehension complexes, through our reports, indeed, through our own eyes, ears, and brains.  

That travel is not sitting in a passenger cabin peering out of a window with ignorant eyes and dumb ears, and rather, is the traversal of the soul, from home, which is what has already been known, to a foreign place for a foreign thing or being, to what is called “beyond” is the beyond of that familiar somewhat which was known by more than intuition, for those of us who had had the principle for traversal.  We imagine that Earth is home - who is this “we,” who had remembered and recalled thousands of times what is this planet but a celestial body trafficking itself by the principles we had determined for the motion of a massive body in space.  Upon what kind of meditation had the endless space found those limits, not physical in our minds yet, but as perimeters abstract to the ordering of rationality, out there?  For in the endless space is not land nor matter, but a vacuum not unlike the geometrical spaces defined by axes in mathematics, yet when travel of the body along with the mind and however spirited being out into that “space,” those who had gone discovered it is no abstraction, but an infinite virtuality of vacuum’ed space in which but an atom dwell every hundreds of cubic meter.

What could be known about such a place, as an enormity of physical extent that knows virtually no bounds.  What could be discovered inside this emptiness, where little matter and energy emanate, however large the numbers to measure such matter appear to most, we know that such matter exists but for an exception to the general terrain of empty mathematical but real expanse in each and every direction on all four axes which could be ascertained by all human beings to be here, in existence.

It was not yesterday simply that we discovered the endlessness, but in ancient times at the dawn of the human being was already considered, deliberated, and discoursed.  But it was only in yesteryear, perhaps about a hundred and fifty years ago, that it was founded, almost as a slip by scientists and sailors, as a frontier that one day we humans shall traverse.

The idea of transport was thought to be first to reach deliberation; however, in truth, the traversal began in the Renaissance period when the thought of a world beyond this planet transpired in the greats’ writings post observation, and that such a world bore harmony as well as order.  

America!  Upon these great men and their achievements shall be founded a trajectory for our nation to assume the real tracks by our bodies along with mind and spirited being that path above and out of this smaller world of our planet we call Earth.  The popular consciousness traverse much as well, from drama of the everyday, to the epics of nations, between the steam of technologies and the annals of pulp to papyrus to extraordinary scholarly fine print.  Today, it is traversing through the spans of the science fiction genre; not amiss was the earliest known science fiction Somnium by Kepler to the modern period.  In this story a man travels to the moon, yet no more than a century or two later, the laborious physical and mental effort went to the strife for the actuality of becoming spacefaring.  

The fare into space could still be compared to the action of taking sail into what was then a boundless ocean.  The oceans, so deep and so vast, it must be the largest thing in the universe, for those who slept under deck, and those who handed the deck, through storm and waves, with no land in sight, for periods extending just over the periodic rising and setting of the sun, and the seasonal fluctuation of temperature to latitude.  The brave sailors found that their centuries’ history gave the surety to ensure absolute certainty when faced for years and decades on end the lack and void of all that was known to them, on land.  On land, things and people even seemed a little foreign, a little different, a little away from the seas and minor instances of beings, mostly fish, but the occasional moster.  The circadian rhythm by which the cosmological parameters alluding and showing the truer scales of existence was more normal than the particular specifics that plagued most on land.

It is true today that post centuries of sailing, moving “habitats” are now in design, development, and execution.  The seas held secrets that no one on land had heard of, much of it about our cosmic situation, of inching about and mozying over the large surface of an almost sphere, whose core is solid, metal, and molten.  That today luxury habitats beyond cruiseships have set those wiser sailors onto trips defined by material refinements ought to be a clue that through careful and committed traversal, the disciplines in which the brave dares partake grow, blossom, and progenerates.  What sophistication had emerged over the centuries, where in nautical traversal is becoming the rending of home on the sea - for space we are more ambitious.  We are seeking the reality of being in that which has no true bounds we could ascertain, ever, with our physical bodies spontaneously with our mental minds.

The dream, then, is of a romance many millenia in the making.  To forge the materially actual tracks with the tracing out by our bodies and crafts into the nearly purely abstract dimension that is what is housing our small celestial body Earth which we find by experience to be so incredibly huge.  The romance is of our bodies and corresponding consciousness, true, but too and just as importantly, of the disposition of our original curiosity that shines the light onto what could be discovered and wrought, using the complexes we develop over time, may it be a lifetime for an individual or spanning centuries for a discipline, to disclose through rendition.  

This is the romance of the Frontier of Space.


The notion to “Go to Mars!” is deeply rooted in the natural human being’s desire to reach out with the birthrighted unity and integrity of being into what has not yet find reality of the common and shared universe.  To be is to do what has not yet been done, and in advancing ventures which are at the basis a natural yearning, but at the cosmic scale, is as fundamental to being American as cherry pie.  The house in which we each actually live is but a small piece of the puzzle; the scale finds us largely, that of our own house, because it is where activity blossoms in the reach with loved ones and in the expanse of our belongings.  That imagination that the planet Earth is each and every’s house is a factoid like projection which too is very unique to us in America.  Those who had never left their homeland by ancestry are left behind in ranks because the cultural memory of traversal may yet be slighter.  This is not a call for supremicism but rather a call to recognize what is our birthright.  We are known to ourselves by ancestry of traversing oceans for we should be knowing of that deep urge to find the new world in the centuries past.  Motion forward is yielded by the inertia of culture, which is not abstract, but lived.  Few in worlds outside our own could be deeply and widely aware that the new is not a commercial product, but rather a reality assumed not appropriated by birth.

We are made for the stars: it is in our birthright.  Very few have known the actual earliest voyage, yet the stories they have told and realized amongst the foreign have circulated and materialized here most of all but also across the globe in the eons where sailing had been a ticket to the cosmic theatre.  Never before, however, have we attempted to circulate our actual physical visible bodies to realms beyond those of this planet by our own technological crafts until middle last century.  These times are exciting for upon this verge we are standing.  The horizon is endlessly far away in each of the four directions by their mathematical axes we can guess.  Each star and each galaxy beckons, but they are so very far away, we dare not imagine ourselves transported there, physically, in a moment’s time as a decade or a century.

Distances are for fanthoming: distances cannot yield but the resultant outcome of humility and discipline.  Discipline shall carry us forth beyond the distances measured in a common house, or even the scale of a country, but discipline shall bring us to the forefront of the frontier, the edge of the known moment that is today’s now.  There is worth in deliberating for a moment that the dream to venture beyond did begin in the imagination of distance.  It is not a cold solid and unyielding concept, but one that is constructive, like a compass, that allows us to utilize that trick called measure to know for an instant or a lifetime, something that gives true grandeur that is the stage of each our own existence, and our houses.  Existence is not a negative of negative, unless it were inflexive and shows a dialectic, and rather, is that prostration by miracle becomes one.  Being is not not being, per se, but being is a being within a much much much greater being.  The existence of self cannot be only reflective of oneself, and must rather carry in its moment that which can show the world, alas, the universe, for its place in which one finds one’s own miraculously becoming within.

These thoughts and notions are those of the sailors, yet we must recall that their stage was the surface of the earth: seemingly unsurmountable in scale and isolating environs, at the time, but really it was only the surface of the earth.  What shall come in the thought of being in the universe, when one is away from these trees and grasses, from family houses and friends, from numerous libraries and countless colleagues - what shall arrive in revelation in being away, beyond, alone?

It is a struggle, par ardua ad astra, yet one there are these men and women who dare strive to achieve?  The nature of the struggle cannot remain a complete mystery should we find a way to the stars.  The mystery will be unravelled by those who dare traverse beyond the Earth, but preparations must be made.  It is architecture, by Vitruvius, who asserted it is light and air and proportioned space.  What accommodative architecture shall provide for those brave men and women, and some day, children, who dare dwell in the endless dimension visible by sight?  Study and projection give us the beginning of inklings which are clues that cannot be undermined.  The knowledge we can achieve may be little, miniscule by the scale of the grander scheme, but by clues are the candlelight in the scholar’s tower that shone so brightly onto the papyrus that magic become possible.  Magic is no darkened sleight, but that gimmick or gadget that reveals more than conceal what Truth could be read and shown and experienced.  Technology is no dark trick but rather the vehicle with which we shall draw back the curtains to the immortal universe.

Up high, we used to say, there lies a star we dream of.  Some will not present themselves to the universe, for they do not wish to be known and disclosed by what is without: these will not travel.  The grounds we walk on cannot be merely the earth, but terra present is the basic foundation on which we shall find flight.  Flight is not the flapping of wings, but seraphim motion that draws in each direction of the infinitely many directions in three dimensional space, but more.  The search to realize the unknown as knowable then known is those wheels that drive our lot forward out into one if not many worlds which is the future.

Discovery and Endurance, these are the principles that shall guide not merely sailors but all those who venture beyond the known circles.  Be that there are many circles of the known type, there is one which encompasses all, an impossibility.  Physics resorts to abstraction, but to describe that which is real requires constructive methods involving diagrammatics that show us the probability of the actualities.  This equation tells us that the earth and the moon may bear such a relation today and that other relation tomorrow; however, it shows too that there is a constancy of a cosmic sort which cannot be suppressed, a constancy that may yet hold these bodies together, forever.  These equations show us that the sun is only one of many stars, and it is this particular type of star, to be defined by this subset of equations.  That it is a furnace is a metaphor often reached for, but the truth lies stranger to most who do not readily accept that vast domain of enquiry and reflection that should let known a actuality of a mass body, so unique and exceptional in that third and forth dimension of not finitude.  That we human beings are constituted in a particular way, very particular, with such soft bodies and fragile skeletons, we let ourselves be delimited before technology to crawling the surface of the earth.

This planet is as a shore, at each point of the circumferential surface.  Previously, we imagine the shore is the town limit post, and there to the next town the journey lies three days.  We now think the international airport is the shore, and on the other side by a air trajectory is that destination, mysterious.  Who in tomorrow come will know this planet to be the shore, this whole planet?

Americans, that is who.  Not only but surely trained like fighter pilots, the ones with the resolve and utmost discipline to direct oneself to a place, off planet.  But knowing now that these people will persist in striving their way out into the frontier, how then shall we prepare?


The movement of ourselves is not like moving a giant pile of green jello.  We are a plane or a network that move at will, but together.  The real world is comprised of a virtually infinite stage, of players and actors who are free will’ed, this too a birthright, who are skilled and educated variously, who are with intents which are too various.  To quote Dr Einstein, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”  There is the faint signal, echoing in the cosmic background, that the world is in reality not yet made.  When we were toddlers, a parent beckons at us to come, to take those steps that tried our little bodies with our little legs.  The dream has brought us here, to this moment of now: as human beings, we are grown into our civilizations by time.  To not use in an illegal manner the civilization as a shield against starlight is the first step to rise over that which had already been, to hear that important message by the cosmos to realize the world.  The world is not yet existent, until not only did one touch and perceive its existence, but to maneuver one’s own body, mind, and life so that the world outside which bears sharing with others becomes in a state of communion with one’s small finite being.  Great thinkers, technologists, explorers, and artists and architects, show us great examples of what it is to realize a positive, nurturing, vibrant, humble, and productive truth through interaction with the world.  The secret is that it is not merely adding a drop, but one that is not toxic to what is already there and what lives there, and one that will allow the rest to prosper.

Nature is delicate and careful, and we need to be careful too to preserve its balance, and its possession to the grand design.  It is not unusual to have at hand confrontation in any world except utopia, and so when the case presents itself of challenge and obstacle by what is foreign and not native to us here in America, the action is to raise the amplitude but carefully through slight and subtle adjustments of what real make we partake within.  This is true too to us in works for space.  We too are a bit of nature, a byte of the delicate and careful balance.  Were the obstacles easy to surmount, we would have rolled over them easily like upon a rolling green prairie.  That they are hard carries the meaning of the struggle, as the struggle to the stars, and we are then with the great opportunity to untangle and elude.  Much as a ship that travelled over a monster that is no creature, here too we sail carefully and quietly with the country away from the ills not to be spoken of.  Yet that the resolutions to conflict that seized our lot shall be historical is the bit above and over slightly that grand nature of balance.

Upon a verge, into the Future we are sure this one of space exploration is at least a main portion of the theatrics for the global populace.  Will is not a passive recourse thru the existent conditions: the will to be, to act, and to realize is the elevation from basic substance the act the motion to traverse with profit.  The gains to be made is the outcomes from the query of life: may be that reality yields more than projections could find yesterday tomorrow, may be that the discoveries are of such revelation that many generations shall find time to tell.  Upon a verge, into the Future: the future was not yet made, but now is in the making, not only by our lot, but by many others as well.  How then, the story to tell from the time scheduling that remains in dynamic development?  Freedom is as basic as discovery for that discipline space exploration; knowledge too as fundamental.  The virtuality is to create in real time the future, a lost art since the ancients, until these recent times here, in America.  The virtuality is from that being together that creates together, meaning affecting bodies and minds carrying the present instant forward on the temporal vector.  Virtual is to do with in the making, the dynamics of which from the creative impulse, naturally disposed, cultivated and groomed with the discipline of knowing, and then engagement with others upon that same imagination maintaining the real of the future place of space in human civilization in all.

Then the trick is to master virtuality amidst the many, for such an endeavor will yet our lot to the future together that is in outer space beyond the confines of this surface.

What needs to be done?  The repositories have grown so large we can call it data abundance.  Flight is more difficult with a larger cargo, and so is hiking with a heavier backpack.  Triumph will come to us when we can sift out the gems and diamonds which we shall carry, no, which shall carry us into those particular futures that include bringing our frontier heritage into realization, out to the final frontier.  The accomplishments are manifold in this field of knowledge, yet the field is even larger, much vaster in terms of data resources, and articles beg to be distilled, for information.  When the horizon is far away, we must be patient to find our roles in this task.  If it were impossible to comprehend all the field, then what specific issues and resolutions are to be thrown into the common objective dimension to be shared?  The structuring of repositories is not merely technological, but instrumental; this is to say, that actions tend to be fine, with great skill for that instrument.  No artificial intelligence knows ahead of our efforts what is proposed to be known tomorrow, thus we cannot depend heartily on such a technique for discovering the areas and opportunities for synopsis for all in our lot.

Advancement is not really one half hearted leap.  Advancement is careful, it is deliberate, and it is hard wrought.  The restructuring of our own lot’s own knowledge repository has to do with curating for the disposition for some particular outcomes.  These outcomes may be in ten years time, or twenty, but also in a century or three centuries.  The anchor for such time tabling is our American history, that began centuries before landing by those who had intuited, imagined, and prepared.  To restructure our knowledge is not merely to move one bit around from this folder to another yet is inclusive: it is to know in an instant all the relevant bits necessary to be ready to propel from one moment into the distance to the destination moment.  It is to be sure, but for certainty to be yielded, the intuitive grasp of all basic knowledge, and this too remains a vast field, must be had.  When all is intensively held, then the leap shall be made, for individuals and for the lot.

To know at once all the specifics is to know ahead of the problematics, which is known from the particular clues’ expanded recalled from the annals of European knowledge and our contemporary sciences and arts and technologies as relevant.  The question needs to be asked, if we had done but little so far, though impossible it was, what are the components of knowledge which need to be had?  The answer remains a mystery today, though many clues have been discovered, except for that field of engineering that has here in outer space industry surpassed all.  What fields in arts and mathematics and sciences provide the soil in which to grow and did provide fruits that should alert us knowledge from outer space would have such requirements?  The answer is everything.  The story was told and the question asked, if on a deserted island, what book would you most like to have for a pillow if only one is provisioned?  What human provides the answer of a book crucial to survival has a talent for space developments belonging to this last half century.  Granted that such a person is uniquely able to grasp that which is necessary, what is necessary to advance the first step; but that this person had not the allowance given to argue passionately for the realization of culture and civilization, a new one, on this deserted island is the tragedy of the joke held on the unsuspecting answer giver.  Part of the difficulty of imagining the future of space and potential colonies and civilizations remains in the enormous challenge in answering questions concerning the period after one’s mortal span.  Without the long term vision, we each would be forced into a little dance, jiggling this way or that, to any currents of popular opinion.  At the crux of the space industry, we can afford to look a little further.

The venture will not be a little step for men, but rather an endeavor much greater than those patrons for sailing in search of new land could even imagine in their day.  Many could say the word “space” but most had not imagine the span of distances and the expression of dimensions.  This is because we have not yet ventured so far, nor have we built beyond low orbit space stations that cling to the Earth.  The night sky remains like a firmament, a curtain of unimagined expanse that shelter us, but this we call the atmosphere.  We must take note that the premise is complex.  Although not of an infinite number of parts, the notion of distance and space will reach only so many without the drama of human make that we alone can realize for those who have not yet entertained this cultural memory lying in dusty attics.  It is in fact subsequent to our works including that of structuring knowledge for spacefarers that the public could begin to imagine themselves as something not yet existent, what we used to call “colonizers”.  That world will not be a mere colony for earth’s civilizations are many and each is complex, and spacefarers will represent us all to the foreign dimensions and their rare matter terrains.  That world to be created will be made under a name we have not yet imagined, for we have not known enough to imagine the affairs to be undertaken, the doctrines not yet written, the dreams still slumbering in the deep public subconscious.

To know for humanity on earth will not be possible for all things, but to recall us well from there beyond Earth, to remember our well manners and deep time civilizations, of our societies and our doctrines, our dreams and our material makes - this will be a mission that shall last for eons.


Historical milestones the world over populaces cheer for and wish deeply for more, and more.  Rare are those which could be celebrated around the globe from up north to there south, in the east and in the west, amongst friends and between enemies, but all the worlds alit with cheer in celebration when the video feed reached even the rarest of corners round the world in the seventies’ Apollo mission.  Fragile is the hope that holds us all.  Today commerce came to be relied upon for brokering peace time to all different folks.  Grand plans are the secret wish for nearly many or all societies that seek to raise their fortunes to that of a wealth recognizable by others in other worlds.  For an architect, the question is often asked quietly what of human make could bring new value to these lands and peoples that do not obtrude on their existent wealth and well their way of being.  Modes of being are so various around the globe that we must call different lands a different country or a distinct nation-state.  Even between the cities and the rural areas considerations vary, given that peoples select their place of dwelling by their inheritance and by their personalities.  If it is true that science as a method has rended the objective a cooler lens, and many worlds have been affected by a superior self perception by those engaged into the doctrines of science, then inference could be made that the colors of the worlds separated by distance contexted to the globe are of infinitesimal variety and only by illusion appear as within a finitely bounded spectrum.

Culture and customs are often listed by organizations that reach out beyond their limits for the safeguarding of logics behind worlds.  They are in constituting a people a right and privilege; what is not to be lost is the longstandingness of cultivation by the multiple, this secret belonging to the studio of time which we are to reach for the spacefarers who are just ourselves in the future.  To imagine one’s vantage shifted into the futures we are inclined for, not only for our own individuals but for our successors and descendents, the tour must begin at home with a gaze firmly fixed on tomorrow by the grandest purest whitest light.  It is only by beholding - in beholding we mean to carefully uplift as though with both our hands that which we shall treasure most - this is to behold Tomorrow.  Tomorrow is not a day but a span with indefinite ends: in tomorrow we must find all our love and compassion, and in tomorrow we must carry our strictest and most beautiful logic which was distilled yesterday, and this is cultivation.

To spirit away is to cast nothing out, and upon the humble disposition that finds the brightest light rays, and by the rigor that can define our bodies and our minds, we extend ourselves as though a being that is not bounded by ills and rather defined by will.  Knowledge assist in everything.  From knowing what we did know, this we can hold both as all the world that is my own universe as well a grain of sand, and with the crystal clarity of decrypting lens, this made, forged, and refined by knowing particulars and in general, we dare look far, a little further than yesterday.  For the spacefarers, they will look with their eyes beyond all that could be known, what we can practise in our own backyard on a summer’s night.  

The architect must prepare for this moment to last for many moments, and some day, for a life time.  For in space lies a frontier, which is not a line one dips and visits, and goes away, but a place in which future terra is forged.  This that requires the advancement of self presupposes provisions that must shelter and enclose, nourish and protect.  The human being is a fine nobility that was raised from not mud but the celestial goodness, a matter that betrays no injury.  This frontier is different, for it requires a special type of being, a human somewhat more than others, these will be those who find the terra present to advance into the vacuum where nearly nothing were.  Frontier did always denote a lack, but also an abundance: in America, the wild, in the universe, infinitude.  From very humble beginnings we humans all began, but commencement realizes a different trace for each and every.  Who should raise themselves beyond that which was merely allotted.  Land was parcelled in even units when all men and women came to this new continent, but some made more, while others realized different, a few genius.  It is the same, but so much today remains amiss, as calculations upon calculations are made to measure the virtually infinite quantities which need to be known, for instrument and transport, for means and for goods.  This void of mediary plateaus at which preparations could be made for a future civilization that will take ones from any country that house braves and strongs.  Should knowledge be common today for reality tomorrow that a utopia opportunity is just around the corner, would a commercial on television be made to recruit?

The problematic of recruitment is a seed to a plateau for mediary discoveries of men and women who shall lead the audacious motion out beyond this surface.  Who will come if the mission is to make tomorrow?  The facilitation of the generation of place on earth, yes, on this planet, where tomorrow could be discovered through disclosure and creation, that must become a priority.  Will tomorrow to come is the task that should busy us today.  Acing in the worlds present here is the action that brings each being for space to that ground of now that should encompass a repertoire of knowledge and experience allowing them to fly and traffic through space as though a smaller celestial body.

Yet, what cannot miss account is that these are no comic book heros who shall fly unbounded through the impossible air or vacuum, unsupported and unassisted, purely independent upon the arbitrary will.  A world of its own needs be made on earth to create the terra present for these human beings to find the craft to soar through the atmosphere into that which is deeper than the oceans.  What craft will bring us towards that point of infinity never to be reached.  How shall an architect discover the boundaries, that is, the finitude which is depended upon for the soul’s rest after busy days of exploration through what scientific endeavors and what daring extravehicular activity.  Finitude is not merely an abstraction but more than an abstraction.  Spatiality is not pure space, but that which is defined.  Walls define as though by the lines of A. Square the interior.  Yet walls are no simple lines, they are constitutions which on earth means the limitations of a space, yet light, air, and proportion, as well colors, materials, and transparency, as well as a host of other factors, define spatiality in relevance to the perceptuous senses and the indigenous disposition.

The worlds to be created are not yet known.  What should an architect know of, if not those conditions called extreme, and those human beings called superior.  What opposition could be thought of and projected and realized against the former, and what amenities could be formed for the astronauts and cosmonauts.  No finite bounds but indefinite vast distances to points of lights denoting systems and galaxies, indefinitely spared from common knowledge, what enclosure and program ought to be designed, much in advance of utilization, to be projected forward the housing of those who shall reflect on that which could not be known?  For endlessness is no mere condition, rather, it is an abstraction that once thought through carefully makes us strong.  It is the situation of being that one exists despite the lack without, but too for consideration by the architect, that being should situate alongside other beings that should rig the requirement for social existence despite locating elsewhere off planet.

To formulate that architecture called dwelling in the environment of endlessness beyond low earth orbit is a problematic to be examined today in the early second millenium.  We must not pale at the notion of being away, but rather understand that endeavors for frontier involve all of us who seek to exist within the reality.  The long future is the one in which the earth is unscathed and the nations and their people intact - so we must know ahead of time that the world will be okay that the reality be forged in which spacefarers could depend on the architecture of human society to stand for the eons they shall be away.  Architecture is of a tectonics of artificial make: what is knowable inside architecture is the architectonics itself.  Therefore, the complexity and beauty of architecture within an environs defined by endlessness and distant vibrancy must not be too elusive yet enough so that contemplation and rest were possible from what are called extreme conditions.  

Integrity and intentionality must be preserved for the human beings, as best as possible, by the architectonics and the dwellings’ actual form.  The intensity of engineering to be compounded by aesthetics and considered logic to raise the definition of spatiality so that it bounds not, but protects and serves.  Finitude to be possible, while infinitude through the actual fenestration.  The known sphere, a special one, to be that of the habitat, for space not merely over oceans, is the defining of home.  Yet, home lies away, called Earth, is the secret we humanity of Earth must continue to safeguard and preserve, so that those away may find opportunity to return, at some time, in some future.


Complex actions could constitute a leap.  From many’s sweat and toil shall be found a map to the stars.  In the infinitude, more than a sphere, is the universe we behold with our human eyes and phsyiologically placed brains and nervous system.  The field is more than a sheet wrapped infinitely away from our beholding, it is the locations of the variously many by quantities beyond human reach.  Yet to find advancement into the oceans of the depths in God’s spatiality is to find the designs that shall place us there, in the distance, beyond the reach of most who shall hold the star bounding sailors, whatever their names be in the futures we shall make, in beholding, in love.

The span is of a craft, while expanse is the universe beyond our own system of our sun.  The energy emanating issues the knowable as a dimension in which our desire shall extend from out ourselves in rigor and discipline forwarding a narrative to disclose truth of the great design.  That placing bodies, human and artificial, from out this global world into the vast should not stifle us, and rather, manage to inspire our meditation as though the proposition of a window that yield the great truth of the particular universe in which our being lives for a moment.  The postulation is not merely a verbal one, and rather encompasses distillations from all the fields, today most spectacularly engineering, to the origin of the celestial grandeur that includes our own beings in human form.  The planet is beyond comprehension, more than a thousand years had been bespoken, but then rose the sciences and the mathematics and the astronomies to follow the ancients’ memory to trace a path towards the making of the new, the generation of worlds to come.  About thinking through our knowledge had been spoken of, from the universities and institutes and dusty studies and attics, onto computer networks of gossamer and semiconductor make, through our reports and memos in time shall a future terra present form.

The particulars of architecture have almost never interest all, but the realization of form that houses even if only a few select has throughout interest captured the attention of most.  Imagine the cathedrals and the museums, imagine the university and the civic government - who before their time imagined these spatialities in which will contain the divine, the sacred, and the special.  For from within our civilizations is made the real from the complex knowledge repository.  Repository was not the origin of nature, but then when nature itself became inclusive of our modest makes, then apprehension of the world, that is, that which exists independent of each finite being human, becomes possible through careful and deliberate interaction.  The guide and the plan are to be written, yet, tomorrow shall come with the formulation prescribed rigorously and with discipline that projection with which we can handle the imagination, the progeneration, of a new world, or if preferred, the new universe artifice made.

From popular understanding through school in America, most are familiar with gravity, with earth, with the moon as away, with Mars as a future destination.  Many have heard of the LeGrange points, and the cislunar constancy that with periods fluctuate.  Some had heard of the epicycle, which today lies disproven, yet conceptually speaks of the generation of an artificial orbit which has already been executed around earth.  What appears throughout time in annals and volumes remain silent, but ought to exit these bounds of censorship, and reach through distillation expression again for prescription informed by their precedence.  

The description of Earth as home remains premature, but from the soul, we have always known it true.  To reach prescription of home away from Earth through architectonics is a dream of my own.  The architectural formulations will ensure and approve the existence of sanctuary for the mind and the body so that beyond is a pasttime which could be indulged rather than enforced.  The voluntary aspect of traversal into endlessness but by so much and so far a distance and directions, to generate vectors that uplift our own bodies to celestial make, is the premise for Peace on Earth insuring the continuance of civilization.  The knowledge those of tomorrow sought in today’s repository is still to be discovered and written for the ventures, but already the journey did start a long time ago.  The ancients seemed to remember what can barely be recalled today, those notions seemed so advanced for those times, but were recalled in that Platonic dimension in which Ideas are possible.  Euclid himself was propositional: what is amiss is that dimension he presupposed before the proposition of rods and geometrical forms.  The presupposition is that lately subconscious memory of that from which we came, the infinite space in which infinite stars already inhabited, and that here now we are new.

The millenium now started so that we who are here should witness what was yet, so then this is a moment for our nation to raise ourselves up, us as people who will determine some parameters for the future of those who bore inheritance of that which we make today, tomorrow.  The axes of time and space is the legend that grant us the projection in abstraction the dimension in which geometry, and now complex engineered geometrical constructs shall dwell.  And these mostly in motion, for there is not yet a static point of origin as Descartes envisioned, this for Space too?  To apprehend what is without lies within the mission of the noble human being, to generate constructs and complexes to learn of the world, to fashion a window with which to peer through and contemplate the universe, to elevate oneself to that being celestial - the infinite possibilities beckon for knowledge to traverse.

Who are we but beings who can see and know and make?  We are no mere abstraction, yet abstraction lifts us higher.  In the universe we dwell, but in this solar system we are confined.  By our craft in the next century we are likely still confined within these realms though our solar sails may take our probes further, and their journeys already started, so that we will have to delimit ourselves to knowing with our physical bodies and our mental minds the system of the sun earlier envisioned by Copernicus himself.  That architecture must play a role is the proposition of the proposal.  That advancement must include being human to celestial is the dream in optimism seeking office.  The thought that a programmatic could be designed is with so many various aspects.  The conditions for knowledge must exist for astronauts to forge forward a physical trace, not only by ephemeral motions which at the time must be with rock solid intensity, but also by less proned container tectonics that precondition the existence of a human being in space.  What shall this be comprised of?

The question at the beginning yields the demand for all and everything, as though a match for the infinitude perceptible when the gaze falls beyond the shields by human make on this planet.  Yet, each biggest question must fall back within the bounds of the contemporary for the dream to stay from drifting too far and for it to realize in stone and metal and wires and electronic signals.  To concept a project or projects in the reality beyond human knowledge sphere is to discover particular objectives, very specific, that aligns with what had transpired before, what could be allowed by the populaces of the world today, and what is understood and supported by the People of the Nation.

The establishment of companies of men and women gave us enterprises, many projects that allow our economies and societies to thrive.  There was one which emerged upon the Apollo program onto the world stage as a unicorn for exploration with patronage by a democracy.  The distribution of support rended the far wider broadcast of its news.  The considerations today are somewhat different from those of those days, yet the dream remains the same - to found the frontier that by our heritage we know to belong to us as well humanity.  The responsibility to find finitude in our reach in which is belied our idealism to know more than our predecessors, to find more resources than previous, to forge with body and mind the trace that should realize the future deliberate, considered, careful, and grand.  Management will always remember that tomorrow was made yesterday, and today holds all the opportunities for review and comprehension, for analysis and creation.  That one’s self is that unique miraculous moment that could realize a future shall be a principle for all astronautical ambition: the instrumentation of technologies and details requires too the maneuvering of the self.  Architecture is this discipline that provisions for these ones, self selected by natural and cultured endownments, to reach with their bodies carrying mind and spirited being to that space beyond the surface we had known always.

What architecture could bring is what can be envisioned by the architect.  What knowledge the architect should achieve to inform the tinkering by mind those finer details upon that ratio of proportion and that sensitivity to complexity of materiality is the original problematic after that achievement by Apollo.  No Icarus were flying too high if the material of wax were replaced by a light metalic resin not yet invented.  Returning to future achievements shall be the stationing of mind at frontier on the basis that heritage was founded by birthright.  Cognition benefits from practice of review and analysis to come to that moment of genius, raised up by a village of a world, to realize emissions of creativity that was inside the substance of the existent.  Elevation of those astronauts, our tomorrow’s sailors, by amenities have to find place of plateau to be cultivated and distilled and generated.  The task of the architect is to find the guidelines and the cornerstones for all this to be possible.

October 20, 2023