by information space is meant the dimension projected by internetworking,
a contemporary technology.
information space
enacts a world. Artificial in nature, the basis for its origination is a
technological foundation. The enactment is of a new artificial dimension.
Where engagement is possible for the disposition there is a world.
Although information could qualify many phenomena, including digital
data found on the computer and virtual data as passed along through
DNA in its transformative state, here "information space" denotes
the dimension in which data is presented and exchanged, a virtual
Technology are distillations from the collective consciousness
of its times actualized. As a counterpart to knowledge, it is
often presumed to be consequent.
?XTechnologies are distillations from the collective consciousness
and experience from its times, actualized in external form for
novel shared experience. Although a counterpart to knowledge, it is
not always consequent to established knowledge as is often presumed.
The information space is new insofar as it did not previously attain
stable independent existence. This artificial dimension is now sustainable
through exceptional circumstances where there are no active minds engaged:
maintenance of the artifice that computes with a continuous input of
electric energy is sufficient.
The artificiality of this new dimension is irreducible to its origination in human experience.
Consensus on which shared mental experience to develop into application resulted in
actual computational architecture. It is this computational architecture we have developed
that opens the nascent dimension.
Artifice comes into existence through the incremental cognitive
transformation of experience towards the objective of an external technology.
Through subsequent manipulation of materials found in common reality,
the realization of the objective through the technology created
is enabled for other individuals.
Just as insofar as language may have removed some potential in the
possibilities of wild* experience, technology denominates the type of
phenomena experienced by its users. In the example of language,
it availed common abstract structure without which phenomena would
appear differently, ie. in a continuous undifferentiated manner and
without form.
Through historical development, the groundwork was devised upon the invention of
the idea for digital technology which was followed by the development of relevant
components to be made for building the foundation.
Groundwork for technology of complexity or scale requires planning
and devising over some substantial duration of time. The developing
groundwork includes the abstraction layer, the organizing of expertise,
and the allowance for iterative development of components that could
eventually constitute the network. At a certain stage in the network's
continuous development, expansion of the information space into space
becomes possible.
While some technologies seem to spring from single moments of
inspiration, other technologies seem to arrive from both dispersed efforts
and collective efforts over time.
Only in hindsight does the development of what later turns out
to be components appear linear - usually, what fits the greater
puzzle at any point in time could be a result of little related
component developments that nevertheless converge in a cohesive
design of scale.
Where development of technology is not linear but drawn from
an undefined distribution of sources, each invention and notion
becomes part of the standing reserve to range from for each idea
and even collective milestones.
The implication being that decisive reconfigurations of items
from the reserve will be to meet the future potential.
The problem of preventing the impression of an inert and limited single
direction forward from appearing concerns how.
>Since the technological components may be placed beyond earth, this dimension is
extensible through Cartesian space.
The ascription of a space being Cartesian indicates that it has been
superposed with mathematical coordinates relative to a
>point of origin. The location of matter inside a Cartesian space, whether
changing or static, could be calculated. A four-dimensional space
may be ascribed in a Cartesian coordinate model.
By Cartesian space is meant a hypothetical uniform dimension
characterized by its four axes with incremental measure as marked
with discrete quantities. This is interposed onto the actual
spatial-temporal dimension within which physical forms are found.
The units of hardware occupy the spatial-temporal dimension conventionally known as
physical space. Once placed, their positions can be continuously tracked using
>a universal reference dimension constructed from the hypothetical dimension with computation.
Within the constructed dimension would be coordinates corresponding to
the effective locations of a component in
physical space more correctly understood as space-time.
Actions like position tracking and trajectory adjustment through
the universal reference dimension generated by computation
from the hypothetical dimension are
positive and produce data.
To prevent possible disruption from this and other sources,
real-time tracking and adjustment presuppose an information space
which is separate and dedicated, and restricted.
Trajectory and other data may be exported in a one way
direction to another information space for review and records.
That coordinates in spatial-temporal localization could be functional as
identifiers for objects placed into position is due the probability that
with placement into position the certainty of an object's >real location
as determined with the construct is increased.
In a mathematical abstraction,
if objects at certain coordinates within certain trajectories are each
represented as one amongst many objects: their abstract equivalence rends each
as a single point within a geometrical array of points.
In computation, each thing exists in representation as an object in the defined array
which is instantiable by select qualifiers because the array is transformable
by their vectors. The qualifiers are of types that include: identifier;
instantaneous coordinates; trajectorial trace; connection object type;
mass and volume class; location in near earth, space, or deep space; [...]
That each defined object contains all its qualifiers and instantaneous attributes
is constituting a dimension to the constructed multidimensional space
yet still retains in synonymy as Euclidean points in a mathematical abstraction
and functional equivalence as points of access in the internetwork
instates the unity of the thing by its elementary nature across modes
by their native environments.
To position in space-time as what is almost an infinitesimally small unit
despite consisting of determined complexity
advances with simplecticity through its trace the substance of space:
to advance real spatiality as objective to be known premises upon
the result of knowability founded in the act of a unit's traversal that
actually discloses the location addressed.
Each moment of space-time is qualified in correspondence with
each instantaneous address of a unit in location that marks
its position in coordinates in the construct's coordinate system for
the trajectory advances a trace that proves the existence of the moments
of space-time it contains.
Place is qualified thus:
Where the continuum of space-time remains true for a certain duration,
the space-time fabric at those locations
could be approximated to be representative and so true as of normal existence.
Whether the continuum of space-time that has remained true
for a certain duration would have
the space-time where locate the span to likely be true or
of the same qualitative value as at other moments in time
before and after the record cannot be presumed in advance a priori
but may need be applied this way for practical purpose.
Where the space-time fabric within bounding coordinates
for a certain span and duration
is known to be true as of normal existence, place is qualified as
the location disclosed. The location has coordinates as
a definite value relative to both the principle of uniform dimension and
the principle of differential dimension in the vicinity of massive bodies.
The object of the thing in space is inextricably tied with
the objectivity of the span and duration of space-time
at which it locates.
The qualification of space as objectively real follows the expansion
of reach by units placed into motion in space: disclosure by
real tracks traced out makes definite the continuum of space-time
in its objectivity beyond hypotheticals and in this way
expand the regions of reach as known by humanity and its make.
Presently available technologies for internetworking to enable an information space
that spans beyond the Earth include transmission relay satellites, parallel processing sets,
cache, permanent, and backup data storage, and local access (terminals).
The projection is that there will be an increase in points of access
which are variously located, in motion where stationed on the lunar surface
or on earth, in motion within orbital or vehicular trajectories or in motion
at suspension points. These will have various initial positions:
they will have positions that not only change relative to the Cartesian space
but also relative to each other.
These objects in space time are relational by place to each other for
the attributes of fixed and moving are predetermined, but that they are in
relational motion as like true celestial objects in the stellar field
has the implication that there are differential velocities in
transmission completion because distances between these objects
could remain changing unless earlier determined otherwise.
The cold vacuum of space as always requires heating whether powered by
efficient nuclear or other energy.
All hardware is subject to various hazards of space like damaging cosmic particles.
Hardware in space requires definite protection as well as monitoring and maintenance.
Fundamental or primitive networking through the vacuum already exists for most if not
all units which are transmission dependent, whether for interpersonal communication,
data transmission, or device remote control.
By the irreplaceability in terms of the preciousness of astronaut lives
as well as the expenditure and uniqueness of each unit,
of utmost importance is security in transmission and remote control;
hence, the absolute security accounted of present proprietary networking
needs be followed with
exhaustive security for future generalized networking protocols, such to
come from closed development and resulting networking of exclusivity.
The complexity of the exclusionary nature of outer space networking
is compounded by the fact that components are presently restricted variously,
the restrictions of which are dependent on their native protocol.
This prevents universal networking and security from being immediately applicable,
with the effect that this complexity is for now augmentative to present security
for the extensive difficulty of sweeping penetration.
Modularity of units including for on a single componennt
in a denominated internetwork may presuppose
the separation of different functions in their distinct networking
to prevent intrusive actions into the central functions may it be
central processing, propulsion, detection, sensing, location,
transmission, records -
redudancy of information may result.
The orthogonality of each instrument including for sensing, computing
and transmission maintains separation between each instrument on a component
and across components in such a way that
the imagination for a user digital space also commences
in the generation of a new autonomous protocol and associated design and processes
which might yet be dependent on the electronic and networking surrounds
and the meaning of situation in outer space.
The plan in stages to establish and sustain the permanent form of an information space that
contains persistent data objects over extended durations would first consider how
computing hardware is distributed or centralized in space.
The multiplicity of trajectories and changing motions of the projectedly
many units in space as well as periodic and arbitrary incidences of
occultations realize a
changing dynamic to the outward physical shape of the network, whether it be
a point to point emergent network, a centralized service based network,
or a hybrid.
In the current point to point transmission model, each individual unit
communicates with ground control whether through a single point to point
connection or through multiple relay connection: there is no overall network
nor is there projectedly one. However, in supposing a denominated point to point
networking protocol, to elevate from this to an effective network
capable of information transmission is within the realm of probability.
The problem consists in not questioning such a protocol as extraneous and
rather understand it as fundamental to future virtual environments.
For access points attributed with broadcastible coordinate, statistical,
and other qualifying information to be interconnecting nodes
has for its purpose to generate the real-time and changing
mathematical-physical model of the network, emergent or otherwise,
that is a real-time information-deep space-time trajectorial model
of objects in space which are of cartographic significance to astronauts.
Yet, a future digital environment presumably requires amenities in
file service to provide for persistent data objects: hence,
the question on how the digital space is presupposed concerns
how the orientation of points of access is designed and engineered.
The plan to establish and sustain the permanent information space that contains persistent data objects over an extended duration would consider how computing hardware is distributed or centralized in space.
in stages.
Some hardware with significant computing power placed local to
points of access as appropriate to local requirements
(problem: placement
in space - suspended at points relative stationary maintained in
on surface
or (if at later stages) centralized
therefore, maintains separation between points of acccess
prevent them from interconnecting (restricted)
from orthogonality defining access
inter-: connecting of nodes of certain complexity
multiple nets/"subsystems"
-Shared construct s
The centrality of cartography in the digital space (for use in outer space)
is intended for the boundedness of the space percept and for the anchorage in the virtual:
such is for the orientation to deal with the exponentially expanding scale between
human scale object environment and boundary object delineated space
so as for instrumentation to affect such as an in-control assertive sensibility
in utility
given the vastness of outer space.
representation elevates the mind
by foregrounding the known factors as well the constructive plasticity of
space works
situate within the continuity of works past and ongoing into future dates
>a question of advance - what is possible
-were the information space be extended beyond
the domain containing all the various denominations found in earth's cradle
-spatial-temporal localization interface,
environmental data of localities
-make subspace with access restricted to those working in or for extraterrestrial units
[other information spaces also requiring restrictive security: technology control; piloting, administration, and mission transmissions; ]
(map ; repository; geological/resource/scientific data specific to the extraterrestrial environment; (culturally) installed information; crew mission logs; missions transmission activities; )
XThe mediatory nature of information space is threefold - leading to three domains of interactivity
Perception of this technologically enabled information space is of three general types:
In the simulatory motion through the mediation of computation and
network, the experience is of something neither physical or mental,
but technological. Its true nature remains largely unknown and in
this sense elicits a sense of mystery. The unknown in an experience
of the dynamic contained in the actualization of knowledge. The
elements are of physical make and locate real space. Peripherally,
they are computational microelectronics and carrying connections
occupying the Cartesian dimension.
Accessing the branching divisions, disclosing the issues of data
singularly or in parallel, the shape of the negotiation is traced
and rendered. The shape is the result of a movement where the mind is
informed through its active perception and selective retention.
Although much content is discarded, that the issues of data are
located at an address, the path undertaken is given shape.
Beholding the extents of the finite network from within in a
network geometry of light to grasp the possibility of a grander
design in abstraction.
Individuals engage through mediatory objects of data. Objects of data are in built accordance to standardized formats. The object of data is stable
- its transformation into information occurs at the individual accessing the data object and where it is transferred into binary for transmission through the internetworking fibres and components. In each case the data object remains static and stable in the information space
-The events of informing and being informed so far are separated so that data objects can be persistant. The continuing presence of the objects populate the space to constitute a world in which interaction is mediated by these objects.
-the connection for individuals to communicate in real-time
-the connection for individuals to communicate in real-time
Individuals can connect to communicate in real-time
or engage in asynchronous communication through data objects whose persistence is
determined by the user
re what possibilities in duplication of data objects
*to return to "world "
worlds we define and recognize as being already there
worlds we make
-a word of caution regarding other natural nonmediated engagements of the mind)
Instrument (computer terminal into information space) (compare compass)
Interplanetary Overlay Network
Delay and disruption tolerant network
Deep space network
-Missions communications model > node relay storage computing model
(a word of caution regarding other natural nonmediated engagements of the mind)
-make subspace with access restricted to those working within or for extraterrestrial units
[other information spaces also requiring restrictive security: technology control; piloting, administration, and mission transmissions; ]
(map ; repository; geological/resource/scientific data specific to the extraterrestrial environment; (culturally) installed information; crew mission logs; missions transmission activities; )
-(sonar surrounds about a submarine)
gravitational waves - CMB cosmic microwave background -
-records of trajectory simulation/localization and > repository
Record/emulators of historical graphical-other command/control
Planetary orbital (trajectories)
historical to contemporary catalogs, atlas
$log - "for record and review" (?)
-spatial localization interface, local environmental data
-nondimensional direct biofeedback system