

reinforce defense and guard within borders

reserves of goods and means

grow from sufficiency to teeming with potential

improve intelligence within borders

civic intellect is an active force

organizational is collecting the abilities and means developed from bottom up

information gathered from central government returned to the people

improve security to individual lives on the ground

allies old and new

capacities beyond warfare

peacekeeping or policing requires international communication

support worthwhile international criminal court and other organizations for justice

compare notes on military capacities

renew commitments to stand together

allow discussion and debate concerning where values coincide and where differ

bring in relations for sharing and cooperation internationally

start a club

redistribute information collected internationally at home

improve national image through movies and news

discuss talking points about aspects of americanism to be proud of

propagate ideas through movies and news which are circulated internationally

allow positive self image to encompass more aspects of being great

recoordinate personnel and air show

offer opportunities for working together outside of war engagements

service to the country and patriotism are real in civil life as well

let some excitement of military might be shared with the people

move and project forward from covid

review past intelligence from similar incidences

plan forward including how to manage next time it happens

support reinformation and reform of health establishment

learn and apply learning from this experience

public information, new channels?

convey importance of borders for economic/cultural development

remove from too deep involvement over seas by allowing countries and cities to take rein

major talent and americans return home

offering from new bureau for resettlement

we want you to come home

support and arrangement wherever possible

allow expats to repatriotize and contribute significantly in uplifting the country

long futures space program

time to commit


prototypal architecture/infrastructure


computational heritage incorporated into economy

creative economy

solar farms + feed forward grids

instrument to assess + account + facilitate generation of creative products

spaceports at airports and elsewhere

celebrate frontier

new information sphere to be created to share information about the frontier

the future of our dreams

desks for mobile workers

new census forms

lunar operations complex



opt-in cooperative network

make use of common needs to bargaining power and collective benefit with census analytical feedback

create positions for work already started but not carried out efficiently

allow work that needs to be done to recruit for its undertaking

provide compensation and recognition for people taking initiative

grow creative to patent development

provide for creative growth, allow works to be valued

generate externalized basis for creative economy

allow recognition by news media

government to public/locale information board net

there is no current channel dedicated to communication between people and government

there is information that is productive, worthy to be sent from government to people

let people peruse the information and choose what is relevant

direct communication

new monetary reserves for growth with contribution from govt and public

time will allow build up of capital for improving quality of life significantly

money needs to be saved to be used later wisely

money cannot be handed out all at once

for infrastructure

tap bureau

news and media re improvements

let the information about how the country is progressing be public

information wants to be free

digital platform for infrastructure development

new designed census models will provide foundations towards a digital platform

a comprehensive platform will require multiple iterations

collect and integrate research from independent planners and researchers for a basis

flagship investments need be found, for example for each state

recognize good works and individuals

recognize and recruit veterans

export computing tech nationally

peer borrowing and microfinance network

wire up cooperative nets for underperforming locales


resecure business communication at all levels

foundational infrastructure

much needs to be done, will take time

figure out what can be improved

figure out what possibilities are in impoving infrastructure

choose what to improve

collect and save funds for improvements

foundational economy

rescue and elevate industry leaders that have gone niche

roundtable leadership conferences, to be distributed, generate direction

allow problems to surface and be addressed

reweigh tax distribution

support restoration and renovation of public buildings

civic pride

right environment for serious business


improve surrounding environment

begin to resecure ivy league universities

save the intelligentsia

intellectual reserve for managing future possible conflicts

provides high level analysis insightful for present problems

scholarship of the true kind to be allowed on this new world country, comparable to Europe

draw home knowledge from abroad

places elsewhere has worse conditions yet greater pace of improvements

have to find out how to manage right here at home

research climate stabilization factors

invest in tech and solutions against climate problems

invest/support startups from different industries how?

moderate futures market